Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well, the time has arrived. What time you might ask? The time where suddenly the trees are blossoming and our lives become even crazier. Over the next 2 weeks we will be bringing home the baby rabbits ( Oh my gosh how cute are baby rabbits??) and pigs ( they are not as cute).
The girls are outside cleaning cages, finding water and feed dishes, checking pig nipples.
What is a pig nipple you are asking? It is a nipple the pigs push with their tongues to drink from.
The handy dandy thing about it is, you can teach the pigs to drink from a water bottle with a pull top on it. So when they are at Fair, stressed and not wanting to drink, they will go to the water bottle or the nipple. Hydrated pigs are a good thing. Stress can bring all sorts of tummy troubles and that is no good.
I will post pictures again as soon as we get the newest additions.
We are all very excited for the craziness to begin..... maybe we are really nuts?
Again, thanks for stopping by.

The Marino Family

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Busy Bees

Happy Saturday afternoon.

We have had a productive day today. We attended The Best of the West Auction. There were lambs and piglets. We did not purchase anything. The girls purchased their lambs last weekend at another auction.

The pigglets are so cute. I love their little rumps. They run around the pens fighting and tossling with each other. I had forgotten how much I enjoy having them around until we walked in and I saw them. It is instantly "Oh I want one NOW."It is not reasonable, in fact I think I am a bit nuts. Why would anyone in their right mind want to have pigs?Can not explain it, guess its one of those ya gotta be there moments in life.
The girls helped a classmate with bidding for a pigglet. She got the one we would of purchased if we were in the market. Apparently she did not think it out all that well, because she brought the piglet home in the front of her car, in her lap. I am guessing she will learn exactly what pig poop smells like everytime she gets into her car for the rest of her life.Pig poop smells and does not go away. It is moments like that are priceless. I just love being involved with FFA and 4 H.
We have made arrangements to purchase with a local breeder.* hi Liz* It is nice to have connections and friendships. It makes life a bit less stressful for everyone. The girls will pick out their pigs and bring them home around the first of April. We are all anxious about getting them home.Then the work really starts.
The lambs now have names, Haleys is Mary and Mackenzies is Sweetpea.They went on their first walk today up the Ag hill. To be a bit more accurate, the sisters yanked them up the hill. It was a successfull walk. We also checked out the Salamanders that live behind the Ag building. Creepy little creatures they are. Spring time is upon us with out a doubt. The frogs were singing their songs. We really are lucky to live where we do. It is such a peaceful, pretty place.
Well, dinner is waiting to be cooked and laundry is screaming to be washed.
Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hello and welcome. The idea of this blog is to keep our family and friends up today with our lives. In particular, the animal projects the girls are doing.
So, lets catch you up.
Currently, we have 2 dogs. Zoe and Max. Way to many cats, a Hampster that we rescued, 3 doe goats, 2 billy goats and tomorrow we are adding 2 lambs.
Why do we have some many animals? Because we are crazy, well yes. We have animals so the girls have something to do, because busy kids are less likely to get into trouble.
We are active with 4 H and FFA. Both the programs help create honest, good, hard working adults.
I will be posting pictures of the animals soon and hopefully keeping this up to date.
See ya later and thanks for stopping by!